Monday, March 16, 2009

Organizing Through Your Cell Phone

Though I have a PDA, I'm apparently old fashioned because I just use my cell phone primarily for phone conversations and text messaging. I am amazed at the capacity and capability of some of these ultra high-tech cell phones. My newest organizational revelation is to get organized by using your cell, mostly because you carry it with you wherever you go.

I was watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon the other day and he had a guest who was showing off the Palm Pre, which had this neat looking application that was like a Post-it on the screen of the phone. To me, that's pretty amazing. Not only does it save paper but it can help keep you organized. I have to believe that most cell phones have some type of to-do list function, but the iPhone, BlackBerry and the Pre (which hasn't been released yet) have really cool applications that allow you to make a to-do list on the main screen of your phone. I don't have an iPhone, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was an application for a grocery list right there, too. How handy! If you've got that ability literally at your fingertips at any given moment that's sure to keep your brain fresh on what you need to accomplish.

I've heard of some people recording messages to themselves on their cell phone with a reminder that they can play back at a later time. This can be handy for a short grocery list, a reminder of what errands you need to run on the way home, a list of movie times or anything that you could write down on a little note but maybe don't have one.

Many, if not all, cell phones have a calendar function that helps keep track of your appointments, birthdays and things you need to get done on a certain day. It's especially handy if you can synch your cell phone to the calendar on your computer because sometimes it's easier to use the computer to make appointments than the small cell phone. Take advantage of this to help keep your days organized. Since most of us bring our cell with us everywhere and anywhere this will help remind you where you need to be and when.

Cell phones are great assets to someone who is trying to be more organized. Take a few minutes to understand the organizational capabilities of your phone and figure out a way that will work for you to get more organized by using your cell phone. Let me know what applications you can find that help you!

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