Thursday, February 5, 2009

Magazine Build Up

Magazines tend to build up in my house. We subscribe to several monthly magazines, plus receive several catalogues throughout the month. A great place to store your magazines is in a magazine rack or basket in your bathroom. Be sure to recycle your magazines after six months.

I find that it takes longer and longer for me to get through a magazine these days. If a magazine sits on the coffee table for more than a week without being open, I think that's a sign that I'm really not that interested in it anymore - or I'm too busy to read it.

Check out your local organization store for some different options for magazine storage. There are TONS of options. Devote a shelf for 2009 magazines, find a huge bucket to use as storage, get a really big clear plastic container to house your current magazines, or keep a nice and neat stack on your coffee table. Notice how I said nice and neat stack.

Instead of saving an entire magazine that has a good recipe, article, or workout plan, rip out the pages that are of interest to you and place them in a file folder in your filing system, or place the recipe in your recipe card box. Don't forget to go back to these articles and recycle them if you are no longer interested in the content.

I'll be honest, I do have some magazines from 2004. BUT these magazines I actually regularly go through for ideas and inspiration. If you really, truly refer back to the magazine I suppose I'll allow it to stick around - but only if it has a "home."

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